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"All the treasure in the world is worthless, unless you have someone to share it with." Ghanshyam Das Birla

Our inherent strength has always been our alumni, who have actively spearheaded a number of highly significant projects for the university. Your dedication and enthusiasm for improving the Institute and its students are greatly appreciated by the university. As a proud alumnus, you can also significantly impact the goals and future of your university through your volunteer work, where you may offer your time, knowledge enthusiasm, priceless experience, and donations other non-cash resources. The Fund (which would be collected through donations of Alumni) aims to formalize and intensify the best use of the money available fo betterment of students. University will be aware of your interests and work to match you with opportunities that will allow you to have an effect.



  • All UG, PG and Ph.D. graduates of the University are eligible to become members of the Association on payment of onetime fee of Rs.500/-. The subscribers to the memorandum shall be the founder members as well as life members of the Association and they will be known as founder - Life members of the Association.
  • The founder life members nominated by the Patron/ VC/Registrar shall be the members of the First Executive Committee and they shall hold office for a period of one academic year.
  • The association will not indulge into any kind of business under the name “Sarala Birla University Alumni Association”. or business in any form involving any monetary transactions.
  • The Vice-Chancellor of the University shall be the Patron.
  • The Registrar of the University shall be the Ex-officio secretary of the Association.
  • Any student / scholar who pay the one-time fee of Rs.500/- during his study in the University can be considered as student member of the association and he / she will automatically become member of the Association after passing out from the University.


  • The administration of the Association shall rest in an Executive Committee, consisting of
    • President
    • General Secretary
    • Joint Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • 6 Members
    • 3 Student Members (Alumni)
  • All founder Life members shall be the Ex-officio members of the Association.
  • The Members of the Executive Committee shall be elected by the management of SBU in their Annual General Meeting
  • The student member will be selected/ dropped/added/upgraded by management of University in consultation with the President and General Secretary of the Executive Committee and may be allowed to hold the position till 1 year from the date of their nomination.
  • An executive committee once elected shall continue to hold office till a new committee assumes charge.
  • If any vacancy arises in any post on account of resignation, death etc., the Executive Committee may nominate any person after formal approval from the registrar office such nominated persons shall hold office till the next election of the Executive Committee.
  • If an Executive Committee Member is absent from two consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee, without prior notice, he / she shall cease to be a member of the Executive Committee.
  • If any member fails to pay the annual subscription fees with in that year (on or before the end of the academic year, then such member shall cease to be member of the Association and shall be removed from the alumni list, however prior notice has to be served in such cases to the candidate.
  • At the end of every academic year the executive committee will send the complete list of members and defaulters to the registrar’s office.
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to expel a member for willful disregard to the Association rules or misconduct, on provided the member concerned gives an acceptable explanation for his / her misconduct.


  • All UG, PG and Ph.D. graduates of the University are eligible to become members of the Association on payment of onetime fee of Rs.500/-. The subscribers to the memorandum shall be the founder members as well as life members of the Association and they will be known as founder - Life members of the Association.
  • The founder life members nominated by the Patron/ VC/Registrar shall be the members of the First Executive Committee and they shall hold office for a period of one academic year.
  • The association will not indulge into any kind of business under the name “Sarala Birla University Alumni Association”. or business in any form involving any monetary transactions.
  • The Vice-Chancellor of the University shall be the Patron.
  • The Registrar of the University shall be the Ex-officio secretary of the Association.
  • Any student / scholar who pay the one-time fee of Rs.500/- during his study in the University can be considered as student member of the association and he / she will automatically become member of the Association after passing out from the University.

Election/ Selection/ Recommendation and Tenure of Office bearers of Executive Committee

  • The procedure for selection shall be laid down by the Executive Committee.
  • The mode of selection/election/recommendation shall be decided by the committee in advance
  • All terms of office of the elected/ recommended members shall commence from starting of the academic year after getting formal approval from the VC/ Registrar office
  • All officials of the executive committee shall continue their duties at least for one academic year, till the date of selection/election/recommendation by the management of SBU or receipt of any office order as such.
  • Executive committee Members cannot hold the same office for more than two terms.
  • In the event of a vacancy at any level in the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee may nominate any person after formal approval from the registrar office such nominated persons shall hold office till the next election of the Executive Committee.

Meeting of Governing Body/Management of SBU, Ranchi

    The Meeting of Governing Body/Management of SBU, Ranchi shall be held once a year to carry out the following tasks in relation to the Alumni Committee:

    • To elect the Executive Committee
    • To approve the audited statement of accounts
    • To deliberate the annual report of the Association
    • To consider any amendments to the By-laws

    The Governing Body/Management of SBU may convene meetings as and when necessary. The quorum of the meeting shall be one-third of the total members, and the meeting shall be conducted in the University premises. The notice of such meetings will be published on the University website at least 2 days before the scheduled meeting. Such meetings will be presided over by either the Vice-Chancellor (VC) or Registrar or their representatives.

Executive Committee Meetings

  • Meetings of the Executive Committee shall ordinarily be convened at least once every 3 months.
  • Such meetings will be presided over by the President of the Alumni Association. In the absence of the President, the General Secretary, Joint Secretary, or any designated senior member will preside over the meeting.
  • Special Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be convened upon written request from not less than 1/3rd of the members of the Executive Committee. The Committee shall meet within 30 days from the receipt of such a request.
  • The quorum for a Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be one-third of the total number of members.
  • All decisions shall be based on a majority vote. In the event of a tie, the President of the meeting will cast the deciding vote.

Powers and Duties of the Executive Committee

  • The affairs of the Association shall be managed by the Executive Committee.
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to incur necessary expenditures to carry out the aims of the Association after obtaining prior approval from the authorities.
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to frame By-laws consistent with the aims and objectives of the Association. However, the By-laws will be sent to the Registrar for approval and will be approved in the meeting of the Governing Body of SBU.
  • The Executive Committee shall have the power to initiate/reply to all communications concerning the Alumni Association of SBU.
  • The Executive Committee shall be responsible for and protect the records and properties (if any) of the Association.
  • The Executive Committee shall prepare and submit annual reports, including balance sheets, audited accounts/statements of income and expenditure.
  • The Executive Committee shall collect dues/fees from members.
  • The Executive Committee shall undertake tasks that protect the objectives of the association.
  • The Executive Committee shall keep a copy of the last balance sheet of the association, together with the report of the auditors and other relevant records, displayed/stored in a conspicuous place at the registered office of the association.

Power / Duty of Patron

  • The Patron shall give his/her opinion on the mattersbrought under his/her purview,decision of the Patron shall be final and binding to all parties

Duties of Office Bearers of the Association

  • President:
    • The President shall preside over all the Meetings and act on behalf of the Alumni Association.
    • He/She may allocate suitable responsibilities to other members of the Executive Committee.
    • He/She may appoint sub-committees, officers, and other subordinates in consultation with the General Secretary. Nominations to vacancies in government/institutions require prior permission from the Vice-Chancellor (VC) or Registrar.
  • General Secretary:
    • The General Secretary shall attend to the day-to-day correspondence and communications of the alumni association of SBU.
    • Maintain official records of correspondence, notices, orders, by-laws, membership lists, or any other relevant records essential for the association's functioning.
    • Be an ex-officio member of all committees of the association.
    • Maintain general supervision of the working of the alumni association of SBU.
    • Responsible for calling Executive Committee Meetings in consultation with the President.
    • Responsible for filing/submission of annual reports, financial statements of the alumni association to concerned officers (VC/Registrar) and other agencies within one month from the date of the meeting/audit.

Joint Secretary

  • The Joint Secretary shall assist the General Secretary in discharging his/her duties.
  • He/She shall carry out other duties assigned by the Executive Committee from time to time.
  • In the absence of the General Secretary, the Joint Secretary shall assume charge as General Secretary.


  • The Treasurer shall maintain the accounts of the Association.
  • He/She will be an ex-officio member of all Committees involving financial implications and shall be the chairman of the finance committee of the alumni association.
  • Receive all money/donations paid to the association and submit them to the accounts officer of the University. Payments should be made in favor of SBU.
  • Responsible for preparing audited statements with the help of the university's accounts department for presentation at meetings and to university officials.

Income of the Alumni Association

  • Money received as membership fees, donations, subscriptions, etc., constitutes the income of the Association.
  • Funds of the association shall be deposited in a separate account under the name of the alumni association and operated jointly by designated office bearers with approval from VC/Registrar of SBU.

Keeping of Accounts/Financial Records

  • The Treasurer shall maintain records of the general funds of the Association (deposits and expenditures).
  • Monthly financial information must be provided by the university's accounts department to the treasurer of the alumni association.
  • Annual audit of the accounts by a certified auditor appointed by the university officials, with the report submitted to the executive committee and university officials within one month from the audit date.
  • The treasurer will present the annual audit report at the general meeting of the executive committee or other competent forums.

Inspection of Books

  • The register of members, minutes book/register/file, and books of accounts of the alumni association shall be open to inspection by any member of the executive committee, university officials, or association members during reasonable hours at the registered office or any designated place, with the General Secretary responsible for producing them upon request, free of cost.
  • Each member is entitled to receive a copy of the By-laws, list of members, free of cost at the end of every year upon written demand.
  • Additional copies of By-laws, list of members, and payment details shall be provided upon application along with a payment of a fee of Rs. 100/-.


  • Any provision of the by-laws may be amended by a 3/5th majority of members present in the general meeting of the association after obtaining prior approval from the VC/Registrar/Competent Authorities.

Calling Meeting

  • A meeting of the alumni association can be scheduled as per the discussed and passed schedule in the AGM of the association in the presence of its office bearers and members. However, a meeting can also be called upon special request by at least 1/3rd of members within 30 days of the request date.


  • The quorum for a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 50% + 1 of its total strength, with either the President or Joint Secretary required to be present. However, any decision requires a 3/5th majority of the Executive Committee members to be present. After making a decision, the executive committee should inform the university officials in writing and keep records accordingly.

Winding Up

  • Upon dissolution or winding up of the alumni association after clearing all liabilities, the assets shall be exclusively transferred to the university or one or more charitable, scientific, or testing for public safety organizations. The decision to wind up requires a minimum of 3/5th members of the executive committee of the association.


  • All projects, proposals, and upcoming activities will be displayed on the website of the University in a separate tab dropdown.